Litter and the platypus

A platypus's front foot cannot remove litter from around the animal.
Platypus badly injured by entanglement in a child's plastic bracelet.
Entanglement in these elastic hair-ties killed a young platypus.
  • Pick up litter – particularly anything that looks like it could eventually get caught around a platypus’s bill, neck or body – whether or not it’s found near water.
  • Spread the word, particularly to children, that carelessly dropped personal items such as plastic bracelets or elastic hair-ties can have lethal consequences for wildlife. Items dropped on sidewalks or in playgrounds may still end up in platypus habitats after being carried long distances through stormwater drains.
  • Make it your habit to cut through ALL metal or plastic rings or loops of any size before disposing of them – just to be on the safe side.