Australian Platypus Conservancy

Australian Platypus Conservancy

Australian Platypus Conservancy


Scan logo.APC1200The platypus is one of the world’s most remarkable animals. The Australian Platypus Conservancy is working hard to unlock some of the key scientific mysteries which still surround the species, and also conducts a wide range of conservation programs and environmental education initiatives.

You can learn more about the platypus in the sections on Biology, Ecology & Behaviour, Evolution & Names and Distribution & Numbers. Commonly asked questions concerning this very unusual animal are answered in Some FAQs, including What’s the plural of platypus?

Details of platypus sightings can be reported online to the Conservancy by going to Report a Platypus Sighting

The section on Conservation Issues describes some of the greatest threats facing platypus and (together with Platypus Management Guidelines) lists actions that can be taken to improve platypus habitat and help ensure population survival.

The Spotting Hints section offers suggestions on how to spot platypus (and water-rats or rakali) in the wild.  Information on how to monitor local platypus populations, including pros and cons of various methods, can be found in Platypus Survey and Monitoring.  Technical advice (for researchers with relevant permits) regarding how best to set fyke-netting survey nets, and how to handle and release a platypus after it’s captured, is provided in Platypus Fyke-Netting Guidelines (PDF). 

For advice on how to assist an injured, sick or displaced platypus, consult our Platypus Rescue Guidelines (PDF).

Often described as Australia’s version of the otter, the rakali (Australian water-rat) is the largest native mammal to share the platypus’s freshwater habitat. To help map and monitor where these very attractive and intelligent animals occur, the APC routinely collects rakali sighting records. Please go to Report a Rakali Sighting if you’ve been lucky enough to see a water-rat in the wild and would like to share the details.

Additional information on platypus and rakali research and conservation issues can be found in copies of Platypus News & Views in the APC Newsletter section.

Updates are also available on the Australian Platypus Conservancy (Official) Facebook.

Australian Platypus Conservancy

PO Box 115 Campbells Creek VIC 3885

Tel: (03) 5416 1478


Rescued Orphan Platypus

View a video of the return to the wild of a rescued orphan platypus.