Site icon Australian Platypus Conservancy

Report a Sighting

By reporting where and when you have seen a platypus or rakali in the wild (either alive or dead), you will make a positive contribution to understanding the status, distribution and conservation needs of these animals.

The information that you provide will be maintained in a secure database and used only for conservation purposes. The sighting’s date and location will be shared with the national repository of wildlife records (Atlas of Living Australia) to assist knowledge of where these species occur and their overall abundance. However, your name and personal contact details will be kept strictly confidential and will not be released to a third party under any circumstances.

If you have already submitted this report to another database (e.g. a state wildlife atlas) please let us know so that we can avoid potential duplication of records sent to the Atlas of Living Australia.

Please complete the form below and then press Submit.

Species Sighted(required)

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